This is like a Thursday wrap-up for my Inelegantees or Randomeers or just followers. Whatever you want to be called if you read my blog regularly (or at least as regularly as I post which isn't regular at all). Hmm. I have the weirdest feeling that I'm either still slightly inebriated or manic. Or both.
But, anyway! I have all these ideas in my head to write up, but no time to write them lately. And when I do have time, the words don't flow. So this is just going to be a very random post.
Phone update: My phone is very much like a toddler who wants to repeat her favorite words: shit, daddy, hottie, Hu, Jim, ver and various random letters that might be words in a language I'm not familiar with... I'll be contacting Verizon today to see exactly how much it will cost to exchange this phone for the iPhone 4s.
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Hellion as a toddler. I don't really remember her favorite words. Abuela and some other Spanish word for monster that I have no idea how to spell. And no, of course. |
Bipolar update: I'm still having some manic times. Or I'm just happy. My daughter asked if I was drunk already last night (at 6:30 pm) and I hadn't had anything to drink. She said she's not used to seeing me so talkative and happy. This greatly saddened me. And, btw, I hadn't had a single alcoholic beverage. I absolutely despise the Zyprexa. I have dry mouth - actually dry entire body and I'm hungry ALL the freaking time. I also crave salty foods like you wouldn't believe. Because that's not enough, even if I take it at 7:30 or 8 at night, I'm still groggy until about 9 the next morning. Between the Zyprexa and the Effexor, my memory is crap, I'm gaining weight, and I've lost what little sex drive I had. So yah, there's a trade-off for being stable on meds. You get fat, senile, drowsy and become celibate. Lovely indeed.
Can't remember where this came from, so if it's copyrighted and I need to take it down just let me know! |
RAK: I used to be really big on random acts of kindness but I've been slacking of late. Last night I gave up my chair at the concert to a pregnant lady and that got me thinking. I'm going to start a monthly giveaway for RAK. None of my giveaways will be great - I'm not rich and I have no "sponsors", but hey it'll be something free for doing something nice.
Moving: I'm all moved but not all unpacked. The boxes are starting to stress me out. Hopefully I'll get them unpacked this weekend.
That's enough for now, lovelies. Please take a moment and comment so I don't feel so alone out here in cyber world! Also I'm rushed so just ignore the grammar and spelling mistakes, please!!