
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Being Bipolar Sucks Big Hairy Balls

I think the title pretty much sums up how I feel about being affected by this disorder. Bipolar, or manic-depressive, disorder for me is like living life on a constant roller coaster. I love roller coasters, don't get me wrong, but never being able to get off the ride would seriously diminish my enjoyment!

Sometimes I go through phases where I think the diagnosis was wrong. What I really have is severe social anxiety and depression. This is easy to believe for awhile because my depressive episodes have been much more frequent and severe than my manic ones. It gives me an excuse to insist that I can take an anti-depressant alone.

Welcome to the Jungle: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Bipolar but Were Too Freaked Out to Ask is a great book, a fairly easy read, for those suffering and for their loved ones. One of the things the the author talks about is our tendency to believe we aren't bipolar and then go off meds. 
Last week was a low point in my life, although I didn't think so at the time. I was energetic and ready to take on new things and meet new people. I wasn't sleeping.  Classic symptom, right? On my own and out-of-town, I drank too much and quickly spiraled out of control.  If this blog were anonymous, I'd share more details. Because I honestly believe that sharing details can help others who have also suffered.   But this blog isn't anonymous and there are those who would use it against me in a variety of ways, and it could also hurt others. So we'll have to suffice it to say that the week ended with me being embarrassed and ashamed and realizing that along with being bipolar I suffer from an addiction that I can't control on my own right now.  I realized that I have no clue how to set boundaries or have healthy relationships. I also managed to hurt someone very deeply and not for the first time. I also hurt a new friend and I'm sorry she had to see that very unattractive side of me. 

So from here I'm moving forward and making some changes. Establishing bottom lines in relation to addiction. Attending meetings, seeing my counselor, going back to my psychiatrist. Simplifying my life a bit and saying "goodbye" to some and "I hope you'll be around when I'm healthy but I don't expect you to wait for that" to others. Many of the relationships I have in my life right now are unhealthy and lack boundaries. There are those in my life I love but I know I can't be with - maybe just temporarily or maybe more permanently. I need to distinguish between love, dependency and addiction to people.

There's so little about me that I like right now. I need to fix that so I can truly love and like others. Some of my readers know I've said similar things in the past but didn't actually make the changes. I've started the changes already, and it's so very hard to stay strong and do what I know in my heart and in my head are the right steps even though they may cause some even more pain in the short term. I hope that my friends will help hold me accountable. Because one of my major problems is that I surround myself with people who help justify my poor decisions and actions.  Wanna help be my accountability partners? Give me your contact information and I'll let you know how you can help.  Let me know why you want to help.

Loving Someone with Bipolar Disorder: Understanding & Helping Your Partner, another book I found very helpful. This is one I think needs to be revisited every few years. It helps identify triggers.

Be sure to check out Band Back Together for more resources and to read the stories of others (or share your own story).

Thank you to the many of you who have offered me positive comments and support!


  1. Keep your chin up! You *can* do this! Big hugs!

    1. You've been a huge source of support for me and I can't thank you enough!

  2. I agree- you are a good person and you can do this. I'm here for you, really. No judgement. And maybe when I need someone to lean on, you'll be there for me.

    1. Anytime! I mean, I've already loaned you my Nook and offered to help you clean up for the appraisal. :) But really, don't ever hesitate to get ahold of me if you need anything!

  3. I have a lifetime friend who has struggled with bipolar for many years and has had some of your same experiences (in fact my post "Go Ahead,Make My Day" is about and for her!). Sometimes all I can do is tell her I love her and will be here for her not matter what. On a good note, she has finally, after about 10 years of painful struggle and episodes) found a medicine that is working for her. Keep going, don't give up.

    1. Thanks for your comment, Paula! I'll have to check out your post. Sometimes being told we're loved is what we need the most, and we know that often it's the only thing someone can do for us. The fact that you're still her friend is huge. Not everyone can handle the intensity and chaos of friends with bipolar!

  4. Real life roller coasters are scary.
    Good for you for hanging on!

  5. There's an old saying I love that seems so appropriate now. Change will come when your desire to change is greater than your desire to stay the same. Wishing you the best of luck!

    1. Thank you. I definitely agree with that saying. I haven't wanted it badly enough, I suppose, to actually make the changes in the past. But I'm doing it now and it's hard as hell. I'm reminding myself that sometimes I have to take it one hour at a time and sometimes one day at a time - it can't be rushed and it's not instantaneous.

  6. This could have been written word for word by me. Thank you for this. I feel less alone and a little assured in a odd way.
    Thank you again so very much!

    1. I'm so glad it helped you. Many say I overshare, but if even one person is touched in some way by what I've written, well then it's worth it! You are not alone!
